Just like I talk about anything else going on in my life, this is a part of me. There are a lot of things I love in this world and sober success stories sobriety is one of them, so I like to talk about that very openly. I don’t think it’s for everybody and I totally respect that.

  • “I’ve been on a winding journey trying to find my way in the world since I was 17.
  • Use available resources and support, and ask for help when needed.
  • I began hiding bottles in the garage and under the seat of my car so I always had access to alcohol.
  • Shortly this led to nearly daily drinking or smoking marijuana, which at times was easier to obtain.
  • I can maneuver things and figure out what’s a good decision for me.

Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all. Through our integrated treatment programs, we’ve helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms. We’re on a mission to save one million lives over the next century. We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help. It broke my heart and healed me in innumerable ways at the same time. I sought spirituality and a connection with my higher power with a desperation that I never had before.

“I’m a worthwhile woman and I deserve to be loved, respected, and sober!”

Those who knew of my course were, for the most part, very supportive. I eased back into work with a lower level of responsibility, able to focus more on myself and my recovery program. Over time I was able to take on more work responsibilities. I have become a better and more compassionate physician than I ever was before. After seventy days, I was discharged and was soon able to return to work under a monitoring contract with PHS.

This powerful book narrates his ups and downs, setbacks, and unimaginable challenges in recovery. Ultimately, Augusten tells the story of how his most difficult experiences led him to getting clean and helping others. Interestingly, Russell Brand was fourteen years sober at the time of writing Recovery. Overall, this book is perfect for anyone who’d enjoy an entertaining and surprisingly uplifting story about ending the cycle of addiction.

Choose Recovery Over Addiction

I managed to crawl in the dark to huddle over the commode. I rationalized that the vomiting might be due to food poisoning. By the morning, I was severely dehydrated and could barely stand. The second night, I began to have diarrhea with old, digested blood in it. The next morning I awoke with my heart racing, unable to get up off the floor, realizing that this was the end of the run. My wife had a miscarriage about a year after the birth of our second child.

Nine Inspiring Sober Success Stories

I began to drink at home, frequently wondering the next morning how there could be so many empty beer cans on the counter. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ During residency, we had the first of four children. My son, I thought, would solve our problems and bring us closer.

Dustin struggled with alcohol and felt he was living two lives until he found sobriety.

All in all, this is an excellent quit lit story for those interested in an eye-opening perspective on alcohol’s role in our society today. The Sober Diaries follows the narrative of author Clare Pool’s journey in quitting drinking. The book covers her whole first-year experience of sobriety, as well as the unexpected challenges she faced along the way. It’s a witty, straightforward tale of the shenanigans, shame, and confusion that occurs in the morning-afters.

Nine Inspiring Sober Success Stories